McElvenny, James. 2025. Entstehung und Entwicklung der modernen Linguistik. Berlin: De Gruyter. Publisher's website
McElvenny, James. 2024. A History of Modern Linguistics: From the beginnings to World War II. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Publisher's website Reviews:
McElvenny, James, ed. 2023. The Limits of Structuralism: Forgotten texts in the history of modern linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Publisher's websitePreview on Google Books Reviews:
Clemens Knobloch in Historiographia Linguistica (2024): DOI:10.1075/hl.00135.kno
Bart Karstens in History of Humanities (2024): 9:2, pp. 508–511. DOI:10.1086/731897
McElvenny, James, ed. 2022. Interviews in the History of Linguistics, vol. I. Berlin: Language Science Press. (Open access) Publisher's website
Ploder, Andrea & James McElvenny, eds. 2022. Special issue of Gesprächsforschung on "Sequence Analysis in Linguistics and Social Theory" 23. Open access
McElvenny, James & Andrea Ploder, eds. 2021. Holisms of communication: The early history of audio-visual sequence analysis. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5142265 (Open access)
Didier Samain in Histoire Épistémologie Langage (2020): 42.2, pp. 175–179. DOI:10.1051/hel/2020023
Jacques François in Historiographia Linguistica (2020): 47.2/3, pp. 340–346. DOI:10.1075/hl.00071.fra
McElvenny, James, ed. 2019. Form and Formalism in Linguistics. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2654375 (Open access) Publisher's website Reviews:
Christopher Hutton in Historiographia Linguistica (2019): 46:3, pp. 405–410. DOI:10.1075/hl.00059.hut
Gabelentz, Georg von der. 2016 [1891]. Die Sprachwissenschaft, ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse, hrsg. von Manfred Ringmacher und James McElvenny. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.17169/langsci.b97.143 (Open access)
Greenwood, Samara & James McElvenny. 2023. Interview on language and science. The HPS Podcast - Conversations from History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science.
McElvenny, James. 2009. Producing pidgins. Lingua Franca, ABC Radio National.
McElvenny, James & Clemens Knobloch. 2023. ‘From Sprachtheorie to semantics and cybernetics: Karl Bühler’s “Pocketbook on Practical Semantics”’, Semiotica. DOI: 10.1515/sem-2022-0046 (Open access)
Ploder, Andrea & James McElvenny. 2022. ‘Sequence Analysis in Linguistics and Social Theory’, Gesprächsforschung. Open access
McElvenny, James. 2021. ‘Language complexity in historical perspective: the enduring tropes of natural growth and abnormal contact’, Frontiers in Communication. DOI: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.621712 (Open access)
McElvenny, James. 2018. ‘August Schleicher and materialism in nineteenth-century linguistics’, Historiographia Linguistica 45.1, 133-152. DOI: 10.1075/hl.00018.mce Green open access
McElvenny, James. 2017. ‘Linguistic aesthetics from the nineteenth to the twentieth century: the case of Otto Jespersen’s “progress in language”’, History of Humanities 2.2, 417-442. DOI: 10.1086/693322 Green open access
McElvenny, James. 2017. ‘Grammar, typology and the Humboldtian tradition in the work of Georg von der Gabelentz’, Language and History 60.1, 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/17597536.2016.1212580 Green open access
McElvenny, James. 2016. ‘The fate of form in the Humboldtian tradition: the Formungstrieb of Georg von der Gabelentz’, Language and Communication 47, 30-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.langcom.2015.12.004 Green open access
McElvenny, James. 2015. ‘The application of C.K. Ogden’s semiotics in Basic English’, Language Problems and Language Planning 39:2, 187-204. DOI: 10.1075/lplp.39.2.05mce Green open access
McElvenny, James. 2013. ‘International Language and the Everyday: contact and collaboration between C.K. Ogden, Rudolf Carnap and Otto Neurath’, British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21:6, 1194-1218. DOI: 10.1080/09608788.2013.825761 Green open access
McElvenny, James. Forthcoming. 'Constructed languages and linguistic theory: the parallel trajectories of Basic and Minimal English', Constructed Languages and the Sociolinguistics of World Making, ed. David Karlander and Monica Heller. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
McElvenny, James. 2024. ‘The Meaning of Meaning d'Ogden et Richards dans le contexte de la première philosophie analytique’, Le contexte en question, ed. Gerda Haßler, 207–228. London: ISTE Science Publishing. Publisher's website
McElvenny, James. 2023. ‘Gabelentz' typology: Humboldtian linguistics on the threshold of structuralism’, The Limits of Structuralism: Forgotten texts in the history of modern linguistics, ed. James McElvenny, 81–108. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
McElvenny, James. 2023. ‘Scouting the limits of structuralism’, The Limits of Structuralism: Forgotten texts in the history of modern linguistics, ed. James McElvenny, 1–10. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
McElvenny, James & Andrea Ploder. 2021. ‘Capturing the whole’, Holisms of communication: The early history of audio-visual sequence analysis, ed. James McElvenny &am; Andrea Ploder, vii–xix. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5142265 (Open access)
McElvenny, James. 2020. ‘Nach Humboldt´schem Vorbild: Sprachbeschreibung und Typologie bei Georg von der Gabelentz’, Von Lindenblättern und verderbten Dialekten: Neue Studien zu Georg von der Gabelentz (1840 –1893), ed. Henning Klöter & Xuetao Li, 77–98. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
McElvenny, James. 2020. ‘La grammaticalisation et la circulation internationale des idées linguistiques’, Les linguistes allemands du XIXème siècle et leurs interlocuteurs étrangers, ed. Jacques François, 201–212. Paris: Éditions de la Société de Linguistique de Paris. Open access
McElvenny, James. 2019. ‘Alternating sounds and the formal franchise in phonology’, Form and Formalism in Linguistics, ed. James McElvenny, 35–58. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2654351
McElvenny, James. 2019. Introduction to Form and Formalism in Linguistics, ed. James McElvenny, iii–viii. Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.2654351
McElvenny, James and Manfred Ringmacher. 2019. ‘Content and form of speech’, Gabelentz and the Science of Language, ed. James McElvenny, 131–313. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Vogel, Annemete von & James McElvenny. 2019. ‘The Gabelentz family in their own words’, Gabelentz and the Science of Language, ed. James McElvenny, 13–26. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
McElvenny, James. 2010. ‘The diachronic evolution of the direction particle lái in Mandarin’, Grammatical Change: theory and description, ed. Rachel Hendery and Jennifer Hendriks, 185-201. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics. Green open access
Mark Donohue, Rebecca Hetherington, James McElvenny (programmer) & Virginia Dawson. 2013. World Phonotactics Database.
McElvenny, James. 2010. Wunderkammer.
Reviews and other
McElvenny, James. In press. Review of The Unnaming of Kroeber Hall by Andrew Garrett. History of Humanities.
McElvenny, James. 2022. Ernst Frideryk Konrad Koerner, ein Nachruf. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 32:1, 127–129.
McElvenny, James. 2016. Rezension von Sebastian Fink, Benjamin Whorf, die Sumerer, und der Einfluss der Sprache auf das Denken. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft 26:2, 324-326. Green open access
McElvenny, James. 2016. Review of The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics, ed. Keith Allan. Histoire Epistémologie Langage 38:1, 177-179. DOI:10.1051/hel/2016380109 (Open access)
McElvenny, James. 2015. Review of Evaluating Cartesian Linguistics by Christina Brehme. Historiographia Linguistica 42.1, 169-172. DOI:10.1075/hl.42.1.10mce Green open access
McElvenny, James. 2008. Review of Kirrkirr. Language Documentation and Conservation 2.1, 160-165. DOI:10125/1796 (Open access)